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Here we can filter the captured data based on the specific Events when data is being captured.
By default, we're seeing all the pages where a user interacted with the page (with a click or a keypress or a touch on touch screen), for today.


Events data top section

  • Profile ID: see only the Events for a specific Profile.
  • Date of Event: By default, it just shows the data for today. You can clear it to show the data since the very beginning, by clicking the 'x'
  • # of Events: the number of Events, of the type that is selected, for the period of time that is selected

Data table

Events data middle section

Tries to show the exact times when your selected Event happened and on which specific page (path).
If it involves the click or touch Event, it also tries to show the text of the clicked element. Other events will just show N/A because they don't involve interaction with text.
The classificationEvent isn't triggered directly by visitor interaction but is part of the classification process itself. That's why this does not have a 'Full path' nor 'text clicked'.


Events data bottom section

  • Event type: the list of Events you want to see data for.
  • Event types: shows the relative amount of times any selected Event has fired, as well as the absolute number.

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