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Before we can show you the sessions and events of the visitors of your websites, predict the segment they are categorised into or show personalised content to them, there are some actions needed.

You can also go a step further and interact before/after the capture happens, see this separate post for all possibilities.

If you have a topic that isn't covered in the above part, please check the [FAQ] or contact support.

Capture script

What it does

  • Parses different kinds of data from the html of the page (RDF in forms such as RDFa, microformats, JSON-LD, … but also metatags)
  • Tries to capture various forms of user interaction (click, form submit, ...)
  • Sends the collected data to the capture endpoint of your CDP, so it can be processed and stored
  • Allows interaction/integration in your site, so you can customise the captured data or react on it

How to embed

To start sending captures to the capture endpoint of your CDP, use following steps:

  • Go to the Personalisation integration -> capture tab of your CDP in Dropsolid Experience Cloud
  • Copy the snippet and add it
    • as a custom HTML tag in Google tag manager
    • as a part of the html head tag in a template of your website
    • any other way that allows you to embed scripts
  • Click around on your site and verify captures are sent by checking the events dashboard on your CDP

Customise capture data

You can also go a step further and interact before/after the capture happens, see this separate post for all possibilities.

Drupal module

If you added the capture script to a Drupal 8 site, you can make use of the Dropsolid Personalisation module to personalise content on your site, based on the segments detected by the Dropsolid Personalisation.


If you haven't generated a client secret to integrate with your CDP, or you lost your client secret, use following steps:

  • Go to the Personalisation integration tab of your CDP in Dropsolid Experience Cloud
  • In the Connection tab, click the generate button in the Dropsolid personalisation integration settings part, to (re)generate a secret. The secret is only shown once and can not be recovered, so ensure you store it secure on your side.

Installation and configuration

  • Install the Drupal 8 module via Composer:
composer require drupal/dropsolid_personalisation
  • Go to /admin/config/services/unomi, select Dropsolid Experience Platform as unomi connector, and enter your settings and credentials.

These settings and credentials can be found on the Personalisation integration tab of your CDP in Dropsolid Experience Cloud (except for the client secret, see above).

More in depth info can be found on the module page.


Currently, the module supports paragraphs, content blocks or content within Drupal's layout builder, if you have any of those installed it will show a multiselect list of all your Unomi segments on those items.

Selecting one will listen for a specific variation and render the page with those paragraphs shown or not shown for the segment that was detected by Unomi.

Chrome extension

To be able to test out segmented content on your website in an easy way, you can use a Chrome extension developed by Dropsolid.


Install the extension via the Chrome store.


Use following steps to start using the extension for your website:

  • Browse to the website where the capture script is active on
  • Open the extension by clicking on the Dropsolid logo in the extension bar.
  • Click on the Authorise with platform button and authorise with your Dropsolid Experience Platform account.

Now you are authorised and you can see the segments of the CDP you are currently on.

Testing segments

If you want to use the extension to switch segments:

  • Ensure the Segment selection is switched on
  • Select the segments you want to test
  • Click the Apply button
    • This will reload the page and set the selected segments as your active segment on the site

When you're done testing, Ensure the Segment selection is switched off. This will make it so selecting a segment won't do anything anymore.


I want to add or edit the domain names linked to my CDP

This can be configured in Dropsolid Experience Cloud as described here.

I don't see any captures coming in from myself / a specific session

Depending on the set-up of your site or browser, keep in mind following possible caveats:

  • ensure you gave your consent to the cookies of your site, there may be a policy blocking third party scripts when not accepting them
  • ensure do-not-track is disabled (for your website), as this blocks the segmentation of captures

Send us your question

Do you still have unanswered questions or do you want to make some adjustments to your project? Don't hesitate to ask us your question at or at +3293950290.